BLOODZ BOI 血男孩 & bod NOtagonist lyrics


BLOODZ BOI 血男孩 & bod

我不知道 星星 是否会向堕落的人们许愿
I don't know if the stars will grant a wish to the fallen
我不知道 苍天 是否会向穷困的人们撒钱
I don't know if God will give money to the poor
我不知道 上帝 是否会向痛苦的人们伸冤
I don't know if God will avenge the suffering
我不知道 我不知道 我是否应该继续唱
I don’t know, I don't know if I should keep singing

(I want to drink a bottle of amnesia) poison

(The world after waking up) will it change?
(No story invites me to be) the protagonist
(My story is fast) There is no time

(the posters my face is printed on should be) burned
(All traces of me should be) burned
(Paper money is also waste paper and it should be) burned
(that cloth covering my body should be) burned

烧掉 我的心已经烧焦
Burned, my heart has already burned
Put a band-aid on it, The light can't shine
Please bury it underground and take good care of it
It didn’t take long for this branch to climb into the sky
Who set this up for me?
I feel tired, sleepy, and now I just want to sleep

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