Osiah Terracide Compulsion lyrics

Terracide Compulsion


Let me start this shit with a little warning, I'm now going to speak my mind
Within this peaceful shell, lies fury at mankind

I am scum too, but I have conceded
You too must surrender your self esteem to the reality of your existence
Your life suffers by your hand, we've taken this life for granted

Why the fuck would I create a child, to suffer this shit hole you call home
To watch a beautiful mind, slowly decay through stress
Watch their dreams
Be crushed by the weight of the world
Fear not, unborn child
I won't condemn you

I'll wait, for a world where we are not broken
Where our eyes no longer gaze at the dirt, but the stars
I fear I will wait too long
Let my legacy continue with song

I just feel like life is not valued
The rarest gift, we're the only living planet
And we are killing it, each other
All heed the power of
Fuck this life I say
We're better dead anyway
Let life try again
The world's fucked anyway

We walk, single file through the anthropocene
Take all living beings with us
Inherit this world
Never again
Bear the scars
Never again
Cut the cord

The great legacy, left by the anthropecene
Will be a layer of polyethylene
Bear the scars
Never again
Cut the cord

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