Seum Winter of Seum lyrics

Winter of Seum


Walking on Hochelaga street
This frosty wind hitting my face
Crossing down Dickson street
This fucking pot freezing my brain

Cold, weather is cold
Winter is fucking back

Minus forty and the snow fall
I hear the crackle of the ice under my feet
Everything's white
White and brown
Enjoy the calm
Enjoy the calm before the storm

Legs break and car crash
You will need a hat
Think about a warmer place
I need a fire pit
I need someone to warm up my heart
Legs break and car crash
Ice on the sidewalk

I’m turning blue
This is the end
Maybe I’m sick
Or maybe I’m already dead
One thing I know
Winter is back
You bеtter keep your lighter warm if you wanna smoke

Cold, wеather is cold
Winter is fucking back

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